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등위접속사 :: 앞뒤가 똑같다


by 민트색구름 2017. 1. 18. 14:11



등위접속사 :: 앞뒤가 똑같다

Suzi is kind and clever.

and 가 바로 등위 접속사







<문장 연결하기>

나는 너를 좋아한다 그리고 너는 나를 좋아한다

그녀는 공부한다 그러나 그녀의 친구는 논다

그는 과식했다 그래서 그는 살이 쪘다

I like you and you like me.

She studies but her friend plays.

He overate so he gained weight.

<형용사 연결하기>

수지는 예쁘다 그리고 친절하다

수지는 무례했다 그러나 똑똑했다

Suzi is pretty and kind

Suzi was rude but smart

<명사 연결하기>

수지는 스낵을 먹었다 그리고 커피를 먹었다

Suzi had snacks and coffee


나는 노래를 하지만 그는 춤을 춰

I sing but he dances.

지금 나는 커피와 음악을 원해

Now I want coffee and music.

놓치기 아쉬운 순간이어서, 나는 사진을 찍었어. a Kodak moment, take a picture

It was a Kodak moment, so I took a picture.

나 멀미나고 느글거려. sick, queasy

I am sick and queasy.

수지는 햄스터랑 토끼를 닮았어.resemble

Suzi resembles a hamster and a rabbit.

그 집은 낡고 으스스해

The house is old and creepy.

This is a story about a woman.

She didn't speak English well, but she loved it.

She studied English everyday, but English was really difficult.

She practiced hard to teach many students, so she became a famous teacher.

I really like her attitude and patience.

She is really awesome and cool!

I ate pizza and rice.


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